Erectile Dysfunction is something that most men will have to deal with at one point or another. If you are experiencing trouble in the bedroom or a lack of libido, there’s medication and injectables available that can help. At American Urgent Care & Walk-In Clinics in Wildwood, FL, we help men just like you get their health and confidence back.
What Is Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile Dysfunction, or ED, is when you’re unable to achieve or sustain an erection. Most men have erection issues from time to time, but if it’s happening consistently, that could be a cause for concern. ED can have a ripple effect in your life, hurting your confidence, sex life, and even intimate relationships. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to deal with ED. Our team can consult with you and come up with a plan to get you back on track.
Common Causes
There are plenty of physical and psychological causes of ED. One of the biggest ones is stress. If you’re under a lot of mental stress or anxiety, you could find that you’ve lost interest in sex and don’t have the ability to participate like you used to. Unfortunately, having ED can be a vicious circle. You can get even more stressed out because you’re unable to perform, worsening the problem over time.
Some causes are purely physical. Many cases of ED are age-related, as this condition is common for men over 40. Additionally, if you have heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetics, or are on certain medications, you could be more prone to ED. Smokers are more likely to develop erectile dysfunction than those who don’t smoke, and improving your lifestyle habits could go a long way towards improving your performance in the bedroom.
How Does Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Work?
If you have ED, there’s some good news; our offices have a number of different treatments available to help you. We will give you a full consultation to discuss your options and come up with a plan that’s right for your specific circumstances. Most ED treatments are minimally invasive, and you don’t need any downtime afterward. You can get right back to your life!
Since ED is such a common problem for men, these treatments have been tried and tested, and they work wonders for the vast majority of men. There’s no reason for you to live with ED. Treatments are easy, effective, and can truly change your life for the better.
Oral medications can help you get a handle on your ED. There are plenty of options to choose from, and our staff can put together a smart plan that accurately addresses your particular situation; and helps you resolve your ED triggers. Sildenafil, Vardenafil, Tadalafil, and Avanafil are all excellent options that you can take just a few hours before sexual activity. Of course, it helps to take these medications at the same time daily to ensure that they’re working properly.
Talk to our team about your specific needs and the medication that you’re on. Then, we can help you to find a routine that works best for you. We can also answer any questions that you might have about the treatments themselves. Oral treatments are one of the most popular ways to deal with ED, and many men find them to be highly successful in the long run.
With both options, consistency is key. Getting on the right routine to stop your ED can really help you to achieve consistent results. Make sure that you stick to the plan, or let us know if it’s not working for you and you need to change something. We’re happy to be flexible and answer any questions or concerns you have along the way. Both injectables and medications are proven ED treatments that have helped plenty of men just like yourself.
Who Is This Right for?
If you’re experiencing trouble maintaining and sustaining an erection, ED treatments might be right for you. Roughly 40 percent of men over 40 experience some form of ED. Although intermittent ED is not generally an issue and can be chalked up to aging, it does become a problem if it occurs too regularly. If you are experiencing a lessened quality of life, confidence issues, or other concerns related to ongoing ED, we can help you to regain your health and confidence.
Older men are not the only people who can benefit from ED treatments. If you’ve been under a lot of short-term stress or have anxiety, ED medication could be right for you. You don’t need to continue the treatment once your circumstances change, but it could be a great short-term fix to help you through a rough patch. Similarly, if you have a heart condition or diabetes, ED treatments might be exactly what you need to regain confidence in the bedroom.
Increase Your Intimate Vitality Today
If you want to increase your intimate vitality today, we can help. At American Urgent Care & Walk-In Clinics in Wildwood, FL, our objective is to get you the best possible care. Our trusted team is Board Certified so you know that you’re getting the absolute best care. If you want to have your erectile dysfunction taken seriously and treated with professionalism and compassion, then we are the right choice for you.