While double chins are often associated with obesity, there are plenty of other causes. Many people suffer from this issue, also called submental fullness, because of genetics, age, or other factors that are unrelated to your weight. If you have been struggling with a stubborn double chin for a while, Kybella could be a great option for you. Here at AUC Clinics, we have trained healthcare specialists who are qualified to administer this innovative treatment.
What Is Kybella?
When you first develop a double chin, you may be advised to change your diet and exercise routine to eliminate it. However, this does not work for everyone. Some people may not be able to shift their submental fullness so easily, whether that’s due to their genetic makeup or age-related factors. In such cases, another treatment is needed, ideally a safe and non-invasive one.
The innovative solution is to use deoxycholic acid, a substance your body produces naturally and which destroys the fat cells in the region where it is injected. This injectable is designed to melt away your double chin and restore your profile quickly and efficiently. Because your fat cells are not only diminished but eliminated completely, your issue with submental fullness is unlikely to recur once treatment is complete.
Other Uses
Although deoxycholic acid is well-known for its use in reducing double chins, there are a great number of other treatments possible. The same process can be used to address other common imperfections, such as:
- Fat in your knee
- Fat in your side or abdominal region
- Excess fat in your lower back
- Excess fat under the buttocks, on your inner or outer thighs
- A “bra bulge”
- Fat or loose skin on your arms
How Your Treatment Works
When you come for your appointment, your healthcare specialist will make several small injections at strategic points on your chin. Because each patient is different, the number of injections will vary depending on the results needed. However, the process is unlikely to take longer than 15-20 minutes, so it is quick and efficient. What’s more, the needles are fine enough that you are unlikely to feel any pain, even if you don’t opt for a topical anesthetic cream.
Most patients will have several rounds of injections to make sure the results are optimal and long-lasting. If you need multiple treatments, there will be at least one month between each of them, so your body has time to adjust in between and your lymphatic system can drain away all of the killed fat cells. The maximum number of appointments possible is six, but you will start to notice an improvement around six weeks after your first appointment.
The Advantages of Using Deoxycholic Acid
The treatment offers a few unique advantages when compared to other options of dealing with a stubborn double chin. The biggest one is that your results will be permanent because the fat cells are killed by the deoxycholic acid. This means that they are unable to grow back and you are unlikely to suffer from a double chin again unless you gain a significant amount of weight. Even in that case, it will be smaller as there are now fewer fat cells present in the tissue.
Another key advantage is that there is no downtime needed after your appointment. In fact, you can walk out of the doctor’s office and resume your normal activities straight away. We may advise you to avoid certain substances, such as alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, or high-sodium and high-sugar foods for 24-48 hours, but aside from this, there will be no restrictions or lengthy aftercare routines.
Who Is This Right for?
When you contact us about treatment for double chin, we will book an initial consultation to make sure you’re a suitable candidate. Because deoxycholic acid also occurs naturally in your body, there is unlikely to be any sort of allergic reaction. That’s why the treatment is a great option for almost everyone who would like to reduce their double chin. Let’s explore some things that will be considered to evaluate whether you’re the ideal candidate.
General Health
Your general health will be assessed and you may be asked about any medications you take, conditions you have or other treatments you are currently undergoing. Most medical conditions will not interfere with your eligibility, but there are certain cases in which the treatment should be avoided or deferred. For example, you may be advised to seek alternative treatment if you take blood thinners or have trouble breathing.
Another reason you may need to wait if you are currently pregnant, as the treatment has not been proven safe for unborn children. What’s more, it’s also unknown whether the deoxycholic acid can pass into your breastmilk if you are currently breastfeeding. However, this doesn’t mean that it’s not for you, but simply that you’ll have to wait a bit longer.
Your Goals and Struggle with Submental Fullness
We will also discuss what you are hoping to achieve and how long you’ve struggled with submental fullness. If you are overweight and have not attempted to reduce your double chin by losing weight, you may be advised to try this first, as Kybella is not a weight-loss program. However, anyone who has been concerned about their double chin for a while and has not had any success changing it through diet or exercise would make an excellent candidate.
As a general rule, you should be 18 or over before you undergo submental fullness treatment. Although a double chin can present itself at any age, it is more likely that you’ll be in your 30s or 40s by the time you encounter this issue. Nevertheless, anyone over the age of 18 can be eligible for treatment.
Kybella is the perfect treatment if you have been struggling with a double chin. As a non-invasive, quick, and painless method of addressing submental fullness, it makes use of a substance occurring naturally in your body. The deoxycholic acid treatment allows you to avoid the hassle of going through surgery, and once you start to see the results, your profile will quickly be transformed back to its youthful shape.